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Christian Paessler zurück aus iSithumba




Christian Paessler, der Ingenieur mit ungeahnten pädagogischen Qualitäten kommt in dieser Woche nach einem Jahr weltwärts-Einsatz im iSithumba Sportgarten nach Deutschland zurück. Christian hat das Erbe von Simon tatkräftig ausgebaut und heute ist der Begriff sportgarten eine echte Marke für das Valley of Thousand Hills. Christian selbst sagt nach diesem Jahr:"Ich fand hier wirkliche Freunde und Erfüllung!" Sein Team, das youth committeeaus iSithumba hat ihm zu Ehren geschrieben:

"Christian worked together with the youth of Isithumba Sportgarten for a year in the village of Isithumba. He came at the right time. The Isithumba Sportgarten participants welcomed him with warm hands because of his warm heart, which made his stay in the isithumba community good for him and us. Both the community of Isithumba and the Isithumba Sportgarten will miss him for the good times. We as Isithumba Sportgarten have a lot to remember Christian for. During his stay we archived a lot. The formation of Isithumba sportgarten youth committee, the April Isithumba Sportgarten /Durban green corridor work camp, the fence behind the football pitch, the good co-operation between Isithumba Sportgarten and Durban green corridor. We even hosted twelve German MPs in July etc. For what we have archived together with Christian we see a brighter future for Isithumba Sportgarten.


 Christian was not for Isithumba Sportgarten but he belonged to Isithumba community. We attended Zulu ceremonies, funerals and did what people of Isithumba do together. It is for this reason people of Isithumba will miss Christian as a good friend. We appreciate the role of all the Isithumba Sportgarten stakeholders during this period.

As we started our school visits campaign, aiming at spreading the idea of Sportgarten and that of the Durban green corridor we will continue and we are actually aiming at spreading the idea through out kwa-ximba using Isithumba Sportgarten as an example of a successful project and the Isithumba youth as a good example to the other villages.

 From Isithumba Sportgarten and the people of Isithumba To Christian  “hamba kahle, sokukhumbula alter”. With all the good work we did for the community, you should know we would remember you always.


We thank you all."